Awareness Days

Houseplant Week UK

Celebrate the amazing beauty of houseplants & discover how they can benefit you inside your home. Top tips on how to care for them & discover the perfect plant to fit your style to enhance your décor.

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Compost Week UK

Compost Week UK celebrates the benefits of composting and encourages the UK to be rotters. Make the most of your household waste and create compost that you can use to benefit your garden.

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Community Garden Week

Community gardens and school gardens come in a myriad of shapes, sizes and styles. Cultivation Street encourages and celebrates people coming together to create spaces for their communities.

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Garden Wildlife Week

Our gardens are full of wonder. By spreading the word on encouraging and caring for wildlife, we can highlight these amazing creatures helping them to flourish.

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Rose Awareness Week

Rose awareness week is a dedicated celebration of one nature’s most wonderful plants. Taking place in the 3rd week of June, when plant in the UK are in bloom. I want us to celebrate the shrub synonymous with and love .

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Illumination St Week

Illumination Street Week, is declared a ‘National Calendar Campaign’ to help combat those shorter days and cloudy skies.  This is a celebration to help build relationships and create memories.

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