Gardening is an activity for all-year round and is a great hobby to get involved in to watch things grow and develop over the year. To inspire you to get into the garden this year, I’ve listed something for you to do every day.

So, to get you started here are 90 things to do in the garden from January-March:



1. Sow chillies indoors in seed trays

2. Sow early carrot varieties under fleece outdoors

3. Sow sweet peas

4. Sow begonia seeds indoors

5. Sow onion seeds indoors

6. Sow brassica seeds indoors


7. Harvest Brussels sprouts

8. Harvest turnips

9. Harvest Jerusalem artichokes


Other tasks

10. Clean your greenhouse

11. Water your houseplants

12. Prune autumn fruiting raspberries, cutting them down to the ground

13. Chop up and compost your old Christmas tree

14. Plant bare-root fruit trees and bushes

15. Prune fruit bushes like gooseberries, blackcurrants, and redcurrants

16. Sort out your leftover seeds and bin any that are out of date


17. Clean out your pots, seed trays and gardening equipment

18. Plan you beds and borders

19. Repair and protect your wooden furniture

20. Install new nest boxes for birds before the next nesting season begins

21. If we get any snow, knock it off your shrubs, hedges and trees using a broom

22. Give your wisteria a trim

23. Force rhubarb by covering a well-established rhubarb plant

24. Acclimatise your plants in cold frames by opening them on warm days

25. Service your lawnmower

26. Protect your containers from frost with bubble-wrap

27. Dig organic matter into your vegetable beds

28. Check on your stored dahlia and begonia tubers for any signs of decay or rotting

29. Take hardwood cuttings to grow new shrubs

30. Put our food for birds and top up the bird bath

31. Order seeds online



1. Sow broad beans indoors

2. Sow tomato seeds indoors

3. Sow half-hardy annuals like cosmos, zinnias, and cleomes

4. Sow leek seeds indoors


5. Harvest kale

6. Harvest purple sprouting broccoli


Other tasks

7. Plant lily of the valley

8. Prune winter-flowering jasmine

9. Dig over your vegetable beds

10. Go on the hunt for overwintering snails to reduce the spring population

11. Organise and tidy canes and plant support

12. Clean and service power tools

13. Turn your compost heap to give the process a boost

14. Make some fat-balls for the birds


15. Check your overwintered plants and remove any yellow or dying leaves

16. Top up the mulch in your beds and borders to keep moisture in and weeds away

17. Prune late-flowering clematis

18. Divide snowdrops

19. Trim winter-flowering heathers once they’ve finished flowering

20. Prune old and overgrown shrubs

21. Prepare your beds for sowing

22. Sit in your garden and listen to the winter soundtrack of your garden

23. Let some air into your greenhouse on milder days

24. Cut down any ornamental grasses that were left after winter

25. Deadhead winter pansies to encourage more flowers

26. Neaten up the lawn edges

27. Scrape off the top 5cm of compost from shrubs and fruit in containers and top-dress

28. Prune lavender



1. Sow basil indoors

2. Sow parsnips outdoors

3. Sow Brussels sprouts outdoors

4. Sow beetroot outdoors


5. Harvest cabbages


Other tasks

6. Plant strawberries

7. Plant onion sets

8. Order your plug plants for your beds and borders now

9. On a dry day hoe weeds

10. Set up a compost heap ready for spring

11. Keep an eye out for early weeds and remove them whilst they are young

12. Protect the young plants in your greenhouse from sun with fleece


13. Clear the dead leaves from your pond to stop them rotting

14. Lay turf to give yourself a new lawn, or mow your existing lawn

15. Prune Cornus (dogwood) to stimulate new growth

16. Deadhead and prune hydrangeas

17. Plant out your spring bedding plants and your patio pots and containers

18. Look out for slugs and snails and remove them by hand

19. Tie in your climbers using wire and string

20. Prune any damaged branches on trees and shrubs

21. Check your soil temperature to check if its suitable to sow your veg seeds

22. Keep an eye out for bumblebees, if you see one lying on the ground move it to a flower to help it get its energy back

23. Sit in your garden and appreciate the spring fragrances in your garden

24. Move your herbs from inside to outside when the weather has warmed up

25. Apply fertiliser to your beds, borders and around shrubs and hedges

26. Check the tree ties to ensure they aren’t too tight

27. Deadhead any faded daffodils

28. Keep an eye out for aphids on new shoots on your plants

29. Plant out your forced bulbs from Christmas into your border for flowers next spring

30. Dig a pond in your garden to attract wildlife in

31. Lift and divide the herbaceous perennials in your garden

I’d love to hear what you are up to in your garden, so let me know on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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For more gardening jobs, read this:

Or check out my Pinterest board for more ideas: