Add dimensions and form to your garden by incorporating ground cover that will soften the landscape. You don’t have to just choose ground cover plants that look great, because you can choose edible ground cover plants too.
Thymus citriodorus (lemon thyme)
First up is a lovely evergreen, with leaves that are ornamental all year round. The lemon scented foliage brings a fresh fragrance to your garden, but can also be incorporated into dishes. The citrusy flavour goes well will seafood and poultry or as a garnish, making it a great contender for ground cover.
- Evergreen foliage, flowers in spring and summer
- Hardy
- Grows up to 50cm tall
- Moist but well-drained or well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Sheltered

Thymus vulgaris (garden thyme)
As well as lemon thyme, there is classic garden thyme or common thyme. This bushy, dwarf shrub is great for ground cover where the flowers that appear on spikes attract pollinators. Once again, the evergreen foliage is great for keeping structure all year round, whilst also being edible. Fresh thyme can be used in meat dishes, or it can be sauteed and used in pasta.
- Evergreen foliage, flowers in summer
- Hardy
- Grows up to 50cm tall
- Well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Exposed or sheltered

Chamaemelum nobile (Roman chamomile)
Next is a perennial that is wide-spread known for its medicinal uses and use in cosmetics and herbal remedies. It has dark leaves that have a wonderful aroma, then dainty white flowers through summer. They grow up to 30cm, making them perfect for ground cover, or even as an alternative to a traditional lawn. The flowers can be harvested to make a herbal tea.
- Flowers in summer
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 50cm tall
- Well-drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- Exposed or sheltered

Origanum vulgare (oregano)
This bushy perennial is a must have in gardens that cook a lot of Italian food. This is a great all-rounder for the garden. Not only does it look and taste great but it largely looks after itself and attracts pollinators. It also thrives in sunny and dry locations and smells absolutely amazing when it’s walked on or crushed.
- Flowers in summer and autumn
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 1m tall
- Well-drained soil
- Full sun or partial shade
- Exposed or sheltered

Aubrieta deltoidea (rockcress)
Well-suited for coastal, courtyard, and rock gardens, this ground cover has wonderful lilac flowers through spring and summer. With the foliage and flowers, it makes a fantastic carpet of colour. As well as being aesthetically pleasing, the leaves and flowers of rockcress are edible. They can be used where cress would be in sandwiches or in salads.
- Evergreen foliage, flowers in spring and summer
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 50cm tall
- Well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Exposed or sheltered

Salvia rosmarinus (creeping rosemary) [Prostratus]
Last but not least is a low-growing rosemary with spreading habit, making it ideal for ground cover or edging in the garden. The evergreen foliage is joined by upright spikes of purple blooms during spring. The aromatic foliage can be used fresh or dry, and taste great with meat dishes like lamb.
- Evergreen foliage, flowers in spring
- Fully hardy
- Grows up to 50cm tall
- Well-drained soil
- Full sun
- Exposed or sheltered

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