Easter is all about new beginnings, so why not use this holiday to start your kids on gardening? It’s an amazing way to teach them about plants and nature, as well as developing the virtues of patience and nurturing.

So if you’re stuck for what to do with the kids this Easter, then this is a great way to keep them busy!

I believe that all kids can (and should) have a go in the garden. It can give them a marvellous new hobby that will encourage exercise and healthy living, and who knows, maybe even a life-long love of gardening.

So have a look at these ideas, and think about getting your little sprouts out in the garden this Easter!

Simple planting projects

There are lots of easy plants to start them on, and they will be so excited as they watch their own plants grow and develop.

You can create a simple seed tray and let kids sow their own plants. This is a perfect time to sow summer veg and flowers. Try pansies and calendula, or even salad leaves and sweet peas. Just grow them on the windowsill and keep the compost moist but not soaking. Easy!

You can sow seeds in all sorts of containers too, so make it exciting by getting the kids to find their own unique planters? Try egg boxes, old mugs, tin cans and loo roll tubes for a start. You can even pop to the charity shops and look for random treasures to recycle. You could also encourage them to decorate the containers, with paints, pens, glitter, or stickers.

Let their imaginations go to work!


Another great idea is to give them their own special plot in the garden. Keep it small and manageable, and get them to plant and water it. The sense of ownership and responsibility will make them feel so grown up. They will be really proud of their patch as it starts to grow.

Sunflowers, marigolds and most vegetable crops are perfect for this. A trip to the garden centre will give you plenty of inspiration.


Trowels are often too big for little hands, so give kids spoons and they’ll get less compost on the floor!


Grow egg cress heads

And for something really seasonal? Carefully knock the tops off some eggs and empty them, keeping as much of the shell intact as possible. Give them a wash and get the kids to draw or paint faces on them.

Put kitchen towel or cotton wool in the bottom of the shells and water until wet but not sopping. Sprinkle with cress seeds and leave on a bright windowsill to germinate. The cressy “hair” should start to grow in a few days! Kids will love it.

You can chop off the hair and put it in sandwiches. Not only is it fun to give the eggheads a haircut – more cress will grow in its place!

Want more ideas? Try this post – 101 things to do in the garden this year.

Happy Easter everyone!

For more garden planting ideas, check out my blog:

Or check out my Pinterest board for more ideas: