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This week, there’s another superpower to secure. To support ITV’s Eat Them to Defeat Them campaign, I’ve got some more tips to share with you to help you take down another vegetable.
We’re on the hunt for suspicious looking sweetcorn in the hopes to gain some super speed….

Racing your competition and catching the culprit will be so easy once you’ve acquired speed skills from the energy that magnesium provides.
Magnesium is a crucial mineral that helps turn the food that we eat into energy, so getting your daily dose will ensure you have enough force to get you through the day. Don’t let your levels run low, as magnesium deficiency may result in tiredness and muscle cramps, which you don’t want mid-battle.
So long, sweetcorn
Combat a crunchy corn on the cob and you will be hurtling towards harnessing the super-speed power.
Sweetcorn was voted by children as a firm favourite of the vegetable family, it’s not a surprise because these bright yellow vegetables are nutritious, textured and tasty.

Nutrient-rich sweetcorn isn’t just a good source of magnesium, it also contains beta-carotene and lutein, which are what gives the vegetable its distinctive colour. Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A once in the body, which is vital for good eye health and vision. So, eating sweetcorn as well as carrots will score you more points towards super-sight!
This vibrant veggie is higher in protein than many other vegetables, therefore it’s a great option for vegetarians, or those hoping to get protein from non-animal sources.
Grow your own

Harvesting sweetcorn from your own garden means this delicious veg will be right at your fingertips.
‘Supersweet’ cultivars are incredibly sweet and retain their sweetness for longer amounts of time.
Follow these simple steps to grow your own sweetcorn:
- From mid-April to early May, sow seeds indoors and place on a windowsill to germinate.
- Once the seedlings are 2cm tall, put the plants in a shady spot outdoors to toughen up before planting.
- Sweetcorn should be grown in a sunny but sheltered spot, in fertile soil – adding organic matter to aid growth.
- Individually stake the plants if they are tall or if their position is exposed. When the weather is dry and the plants are flowering, ensure they are watered well.
- Test for ripeness when the tassels have turned brown by peeling back the husk and pinching a kernel. If a watery liquid is produced, it is unripe, if it is a creamy substance, the cob is ready, or if it is paste-like, it is over mature.
- If the cob is ripe, twist the cob and pull sharply from the stem.
Cooking with sweetcorn
What you may not know is that corn, also known as maize, is in tortillas, popcorn, cereal and chips and is added to many other foods and dishes, however, bear in mind that the corn will lose its beneficial fibre and important nutrients in the process. So, eating it unprocessed, in its more natural form, means you will be more likely to grasp super speed skills.
Most people prefer to eat corn after cooking it, usually with a small amount of butter or oil and seasoning. But it’s also safe to eat corn raw, and young, tender corn tastes the best like this.
To add some colour and texture to your salads, soups and casseroles, sweetcorn is an easy win as it also boosts the nutritional content.
To inspire you, here’s a recipe card to make sweetcorn samosas that will supply your magnesium needs whilst offering heaps of flavour.
This will be the third power that you’ve accomplished, but if you’ve got any to catch up on you can see how to get super-skin or super-brain here. There’s still a few more to come, so make sure you keep on top of them all.
Remember to download your veg tracker for the week to keep tabs on how many vegetables you’ve vanquished. Keep hold of them all so you have your grand total at the end of the six weeks!

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