Houseplants bring a lot of joy at any time of the year but particularly so during the winter months. At this time, their presence can brighten the gloomiest of days. Make sure you choose the right plant for the right location, so your houseplant thrives rather than just survives!
Which types of house plants like direct sunlight?
If you have a sunny south or west-facing windowsill there are certain houseplants that will love direct sunlight. They actually need it to grow well. Choose plants that hail from desert habitats, such as cacti and succulents. They like full-on sun and hot dry conditions like that sunny windowsill.
Another characteristic to look out for when choosing houseplants for direct sun are those with fleshy, waxy leaves. You can find these on plants like the Jade Plant (Crassula ovata).
Or even silvery leaves like Echeveria, a very beautiful group of sun-loving houseplants with leaf colours varying from purple to grey to green-yellow. Echeveria plants are easy to propagate in the summer by snapping off fully grown leaves and planting them. Do so snapped-off end downwards, into a pot of sandy compost.

House plants for direct sunlight
Sansevieria (Mother-in-law’s tongue)
Mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria) is one of the easiest to grow houseplants. They put up with total neglect, making them ideal plants for beginners. Also, they happen to be ideal house plants for direct sunlight.
They hail from the rocky, arid regions of Africa and southern Asia. As a result, can put up with, and grow well in most indoor conditions. Just ensure they’re not over-watered. Introduce the plant gradually to the full sun windowsill to give it time to adjust. This is because it most likely had been kept in shadier conditions before you acquired it.
Do not overwater or soak the plant, especially in the winter. Always wait until the pot has dried out before giving it a little water and grow it in free-draining compost. Sansevieria cylindrica (Cylindrical Snake Plant) is a great statement-piece plant. Its tall cylindrical leaves make it a great choice for a contemporary room setting.
Sansevieria masoniana ‘Victoria’ (Shark Fin Snake Plant) on the other hand has paddle-shaped leaves. They can grow up to a metre (three feet) long!

Echinocactus grusonii (Golden Barrel Cactus)
Another great lover of direct sunlight is the Golden Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii). The common name hints towards its shape. It not only loves full sun but demands it! Like snake plants, it must be grown in free-draining soil and only lightly watered once the soil is bone dry.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera is another easy-to-grow plant whose gel-filled leaves are much praised for their skincare and medicinal benefits. Plus, it’s known to bring relief for minor skin burns. Just snap off a leaf and squeeze the gel straight onto the burns. What better plant is there for a kitchen windowsill in direct sunlight?
Like Mother-in-law’s tongue, it appreciates a gradual introduction to full sun. And, once fully acclimatised, should be easy to care for. It’s easy to spot if it needs more water as its plump leaves become thin and turn a reddish colour.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Flaming Katy)
If you’re looking for direct sunlight-loving houseplants with brilliantly bright flowers choose Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana). They offer flower colours ranging from orange, yellow, and cream to red and pink. The other advantage of these pretty houseplants is that the flowers last for months.

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