Itchy eyes, a tickly nose, and constant sneezing. Hay fever’s back with a vengeance, and as many as 37% of people have developed symptoms for the first time in the last five years.

Low Pollen Plants

Luckily, you have a rich choice of gorgeous low-to-no pollen plants. So, just because you suffer from hay fever, doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful garden.

Daffodils - narcissus


Lots of us don’t realise that hay fever starts as early as March. This makes a great opportunity to plant bulb plants, like Daffodils. These are low pollen plants, so ideal for hay fever sufferers. These bursts of gold with their central orange trumpets are firm and instantly recognisable favourites. To enjoy them in March, plant them in early September, in fertile, well-drained conditions. They do best went planted at a depth of three times the height of the bulb.

Fun Fact 

Daffodils were brought to England by the Romans. They believed Daffodil sap could heal wounds. In fact the opposite is true. Daffodil sap is renowned for causing skin and eye irritation. Plus, they’re toxic when consumed, so make sure you and your pets refrain from snacking on them!

double-headed hollyhocks - Alcea Rosea

Alcea ‘Double-Flowered Hollyhocks’

These easy-to-grow blooms are easily recognisable for their glorious, towering stems and jewel-toned flowers. Plus, they’re also great for allergy sufferers, due to their low pollen count. They produce less pollen than single-flower Holly Hocks. Producing masses of flowers in summer, these are best planted in spring or autumn, in fertile, well-drained soil. Just make sure they get full sun to get the tallest flower spikes!

Fun fact

Although they’re bland, Hollyhocks are edible! Plus, they’re used for medicinal purposes. It’s said to treat pain, stomach ulcers, wound healing, and diabetes. However, it’s best to seek medical advice before munching on your garden.

Snowdrops- galanthus

Galanuthus ‘Snowdrops’

These little bulbs are some of the first to flower in spring, but they certainly won’t be responsible for kick-starting your hay fever due to their low pollen levels.  With small, dangling bell-shaped flowers of snow white, Snowdrops add a purity to your garden. Plant these in generous drifts in late spring. They do well in most soil types but prefer shaded areas around deciduous trees and shrubs.

Fun Fact

Despite appearing all over the place, Snowdrops are endangered and under threat of extinction in some countries. This is because so many were dug up and sold to gardeners across the world.

rose bush


Another classic flower with low pollen is the regal Rose. Royalty of the garden, no outside space is complete without them. And the great thing is, there’s so many to choose them. Take a look at Harkness Roses for example. You might be after a classic red rose, like the Rose ‘The England Rose’, or an exciting climber like the Rose ‘Golden Showers’ with golden leaves splattered with rhubarb streaks. Whatever you’re after, Harkness have a brilliant selection of low pollen roses.

Fun Fact

Roses are one of the oldest flowers around. Archaeologists have discovered roses fossils that date back 35 million years. Plus, the oldest living rose is 1,000 years old!



Tulips are another great choice for reducing pollen in your garden. Low in pollen, tulips will add brilliant splashes of bold colour to your garden. Suitable for borders, rock gardens, and containers, tulip bulbs should be planted in autumn. If you’re buying plants in containers however, plant them straight away in spring. They prefer neutral to alkaline soil, enriched with organic matter.

Fun Fact

Tulipa is the Latin word for Tulip, which derives from the work Tulipan meaning ‘Turban’. They are named after their turban-shaped flower.

Seating Areas

Of course, we all want to be able to sit in our gardens and relax when the sun’s out. But those refreshing gentle breezes can bring pollen with them. Causing those itchy eyes and runny noses to flare up. You can, however, create a wind trap in your garden.

Firstly, make note of the direction the wind tends to travel. Then, take a look at any pre-existing structures you have that might help block this. It could be walls, fencing, or low pollen shrubs or trees. Use this to place your furniture in the least windy spot.

If you don’t have any pre-existing structures, consider incorporating some low pollen shrubs, like Conifer. Some of the best choices include Cedars, Firs and Junipers. Planted along garden boundaries, these can help to block out clouds of pollen and create privacy. Plus, they look great!

Consider also incorporating a trellis, complete with low pollen climbing plants. Star Jasmine and Ivy are great choices for creating those barriers, whilst also looking chic and allowing movement and light into your garden.

Cut your lawn tactically

Ideally, if you suffer from allergies, it might be best to get some help cutting the lawn. But, there are some things you can do to minimise the pollen’s impact. Firstly, avoid raking. This stirs the settled pollen, sending it back into the air. Where possible, use gloves to collect any unwanted matter on your lawn. Make sure you dress to protect yourself, too. Long-sleeved clothing, masks, and goggles are a good idea. But make sure you get changed as soon as you’re done mowing!

Summer is a tricky time for anyone with hay fever. But, rest-assured, you can still enjoy a beautiful, low-pollen garden with these plants and tricks.

For a small shaded spot that needs some colour:

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